Formalize: form processing and validation

Formalize is designed to process and validate web form data cleanly and easily.

A FormValidator object looks like this:

>>> v = FormValidator(
...     firstname=Unicode(),
...     surname=Unicode(required="Please enter your surname"),
...     age=Int(greaterthan(18, "You must be at least 18 to proceed"), required=False),
... )

And can be applied to any data held in a dictionary-like object:

>>> input_data = {
...    'firstname': u'Fred',
...    'surname': u'Jones',
...    'age': u'21',
... }
>>> v.process(input_data)
{'age': 21, 'firstname': u'Fred', 'surname': u'Jones'}

When validation fails, a ValidationError is raised. This contains error messages for all the failing validation tests:

>>> input_data = {
...    'firstname': u'Fred',
...    'age': u'16',
... }
>>> v.process(input_data)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: ValidationError([('surname', 'Please enter your
surname'), ('age', 'You must be at least 18 to proceed')])

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Validators transformation and check data, resulting in either a validated value, or a ValidationError containing one or more error messages.

A simple Validator object looks like this:

>>> v = FormValidator()(
...     firstname=Unicode(),
...     surname=Unicode(required="Please enter your surname"),
...     age=Int(required=False)(greaterthan(18, "You must be at least 18 to proceed"))
... )

This can be applied to any data held in a dictionary-like object:

>>> input_data = {
...    'firstname': u'Fred',
...    'surname': u'Jones',
...    'age': u'21',
... }
>>> result = v.process(input_data)
>>> pprint(result)
{'age': 21, 'firstname': u'Fred', 'surname': u'Jones'}

Notice that the age has been turned from a string into a python int. You can use validation functions to transform data from a string input into whatever python object your application needs.

If errors are encountered a ValidationError is raised containing contains details of the validation failures:

>>> try:
...     v.process({'firstname': u'John', 'age': u'1'})
... except ValidationError, e:
...     print e.errors
[('age', 'You must be at least 18 to proceed'), ('surname', 'Please enter your surname')]

You can also specify the name of the source field as the first argument to the validator if it differs from the name you wish to use in the validator:

>>> v = FormValidator()(
...   firstname = Unicode('First name'),
... )
>>> v.process({'First name': 'George'})
{'firstname': u'George'}

Validators can also be built up via dictionary-like assignment. This allows field names to be used that cannot be represented as python identifiers:

>>> v = FormValidator()
>>> v['Number of apples'] = Int()
>>> v['Number of oranges'] = Int()(
...     greaterthan(2, u"You must have at least two oranges")
... )

Empty values

Empty values can cause headaches if not handled correctly. Formalize assumes all values are required unless you set required=False when creating a field validator:

>>> v = FormValidator()(
...     bananas=Int(),
...     pears=Int(required=False)
... )
>>> v.process({})
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: ValidationError([('bananas', u'Value empty or invalid')])

Optional and required fields

By default, all fields are treated as required. If you want a value to be optional, you must say so:

>>> v = FormValidator()(
...     bananas=Int(required=False)
... )
>>> v.process({})

Note that optional fields, when left empty, are not put through the same validation checks. So, a validator like this:

>>> v = FormValidator()(
...     how_many = Int(required=False).add(greaterthan(4))
... )

will pass validation if either how_many is left unspecified, or if it /is/ specified and an integer greater than 4:

>>> v.process({})

>>> v.process({'how_many': '8'})
{'how_many': 8}

>>> v.process({'how_many':'twenty-two'})
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: ValidationError([('how_many', u'Value empty or invalid')])

>>> v.process({'how_many':'3'})
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: ValidationError([('how_many', u'Value empty or invalid')])

The required argument to a field validator can either be a boolean as shown above, or a non-empty string, in which case required=True will be assumed, and the string you provide used as the error message if a value is not provided.

Some examples:

>>> # Value not required
>>> v = FormValidator()(name=Unicode(required=False))

>>> # Value required, using the default error message
>>> v = FormValidator()(name=Unicode(required=True))

>>> # Value required, using a custom error message
>>> v = FormValidator()(name=Unicode(required=u'Please tell us your name'))

Error messages

The error messages you choose for your application form an important part of its user interface. Formalize provides some minimal default messages, which you will almost certainly want to customize for real-world use.

Validators take a message argument in the constructor. Conventionally you would use a string but there is no restriction on this: you can use any python object you like.

Fields can fail to validate in two principle ways: if a required value is not provided, or if the value provided is not valid. By default these two failure cases are represented by the same error message, but it is easy to specify different messages for the different cases:

>>> v = FormValidator()(
...     i = Int(
...             message=u"Expected an integer value",
...             required=u"You didn't provide a value"
...     )
... )
>>> # Case 1: required value not present
>>> v.process({})
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: ValidationError([('i', u"You didn't provide a value")])
>>> # Value of wrong type
>>> v.process({'i': 'one'})
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: ValidationError([('i', u'Expected an integer value')])

Or if you want the two cases to have the same message:

>>> v = FormValidator()(
...     i = Int(message=u"Expected an integer value", required=True)
... )

Multiple checks on a field will use the parent validator’s message unless you explicitly provide a message. For example:

>>> from formalize.checks import greaterthan, lessthan
>>> i = Int(message=u'Please enter an integer between 1-10')(greaterthan(0), lessthan(11))
>>> i.process(11)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: ValidationError([(None, u'Please enter an integer between 1-10')])

Sub-validators can also have their own messages:

>>> from formalize.checks import greaterthan, lessthan
>>> i = Int(message=u'Please enter an integer')(greaterthan(0, u'Too small!'), lessthan(11, u'Too big!'))
>>> i.process(0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: ValidationError([(None, u'Too small!')])
>>> i.process(11)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: ValidationError([(None, u'Too big!')])

CompoundValidators – ie FormValidator, DictValidator and ListValidator don’t themselves have associated messages.

Default values

If a value is not provided for a field the default value can be used to specify a default. The default value will be returned if no value for the field is given and will not be tested against any further validation checks – default values are implicitly valid.

Some examples:

>>> v = FormValidator()(name=Unicode(default=u'Anonymous'))
>>> v.process({})
{'name': u'Anonymous'}

Note that setting default overrides any setting of required.

Custom types

You may subclass formalize.types.CustomType to write custom validation types. At a minimum you will need to supply a from_source method to convert the data from the source input. The following example demonstrates most of the functionality available:

from formalize.types import CustomType

class Coordinates(CustomType):
        Validate user input of coordinates in the form 'x,y,z...'

        default_message = u"Enter coordinates separated by commas"

        def __init__(self, dimensions=2, *args, **kwargs):
                super(Coordinates, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
                self._dimensions = dimensions

        def from_source(self, source):
                values = source.split(',')
                if len(values) != self._dimensions:
                        raise ValidationError(None, self.message)
                        return tuple(float(s.strip()) for s in values)
                except ValueError:
                        raise ValidationError(None, self.message)

Here we see:

  • A default_message that is used to specify the error message for this type if the caller does not create one. This will be used both for a missing/undefined value or an invalid input eg:
>>> Coordinates().process(Undefined)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: ValidationError([(None, u'Enter coordinates separated by commas')])

>>> Coordinates().process('doobeedoobeedo')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: ValidationError([(None, u'Enter coordinates separated by commas')])
  • A custom argument to __init__, allowing callers to specify the number of dimensions expected in the coordinates, as well as the standard arguments:
>>> Coordinates(dimensions=3, default=(2,4,7)).process(Undefined)
(2, 4, 7)

>>> Coordinates(dimensions=3, default=(2,4,7)).process('0.5, 9, 2')
(0.5, 9.0, 2.0)

>>> Coordinates(dimensions=3, default=(2,4,7)).process('0.5, 9')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: ValidationError([(None, u'Enter coordinates separated by commas')])
  • And finally an implementation of from_source, which will perform the conversion and any standard validation for this type. Note that from_source can exit in one of the following ways:

    1. Return the converted value, in this example this should always be a tuple of floats

    2. Return Undefined. In this case, processing would proceed

      as if the user had not entered any data at all, and the settings of required/default values would be applied.

    3. Raise an instance of ValidationError if the value is


Calculated fields

Sometimes you may want a value to be calculated from other fields. For this, there is the Calculated field type. For example:

>>> def calculate_total(coins, notes):
...     return notes * 100 + coins
>>> v = FormValidator()(
...      value_of_coins = Int(message="Please provide the total value of coins in centimes"),
...      value_of_banknotes = Int(message="Please provide the total value of banknotes"),
...      total = Calculated(calculate_total, 'value_of_coins', 'value_of_banknotes')
... )
>>> pprint(v.process({'value_of_coins': 40, 'value_of_banknotes': 3}))
{'total': 340, 'value_of_banknotes': 3, 'value_of_coins': 40}

Conditional checks

Suppose you have a field that needs a different check depending on the value a user’s selected.

The When validator can be used to acheive simple conditional checks. When takes the following form:


condition can be either a simple literal value, compared for equality:

>>> v = FormValidator()(
...     When(country='Belgium')(postcode = matches(r'\d{4}')),
...     country = Unicode(),
...     postcode = Unicode(),
... )

one of formalize’s check functions:

>>> v = FormValidator()(
...     When(a=greaterthan(10))(b = Int()),
...     a = Int(),
... )

or a custom function:

>>> v = FormValidator()(
...     When(username=lambda s: s.startswith('admin'))(verification_code = Unicode()),
...     username = Unicode()
... )

The Using class allows When objects to check multiple fields. Be careful with Using – you must use a check function that raises a ValidationError on failure, rather than a boolean function.

>>> v = FormValidator()(
...     When(
...             a=Using('a', 'b')(lambda a, b: assert_true(a + b > 20, None))
...     )(c = Int()),
...     a = Int(),
...     b = Int(),
... )

>>> v.process({'a': 20, 'b': 1})
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: ValidationError([('c', u'Value empty or invalid')])
>>> pprint(v.process({'a': 19, 'b': 1}))
{'a': 19, 'b': 1}

Tests may also be supplied as positional arguments as tuples of (<fieldname>,  <condition>):

>>> v = FormValidator()(
...     When(
...         ('answer3', lambda v: v < 3),
...         ('answer4', Unicode()(is_in('wombat', 'boomerang'))),
...     )
... )

When multiple conditions are specified all conditions must pass for the validators to be run.

To combine several checks, use the Case class. This combines multiple mutually exclusive When objects and optionally an Otherwise:

>>> v = FormValidator()(
...     Case(
...             When(country=equals('Belgium'))(postcode = matches(r'\d{4}')),
...             When(country=equals('UK'))(postcode = matches(r'\w+\d\s*\d\w\w')),
...             When(country=equals('US'))(
...                     postcode = matches(r'\d{5}'),
...                     state = Unicode(required='Please enter your 2 character state code')(matches(r'^\w\w$'))
...             ),
...             Otherwise()(postcode=minlen(4)),
...     ),
...     country = Unicode(),
...     postcode = Unicode(),
... )

>>> pprint(v.process({'country': u'Belgium', 'postcode': u'1000'}))
{'country': u'Belgium', 'postcode': u'1000'}
>>> pprint(v.process({'country': 'US', 'postcode': '90210'}))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: ValidationError([('state', u"Please enter your 2 character state code")])

Compound data structures

Sometimes forms might contain compound fields, like this:

        <legend>Person 1</legend>
        Name: <input name=""/><br/>
        Email: <input name=""/><br/>
        <legend>Person 2</legend>
        Name: <input name=""/><br/>
        Email: <input name=""/><br/>
        <legend>Person 3</legend>
        Name: <input name=""/><br/>
        Email: <input name=""/><br/>

We’d like to be able to turn this into a data structure like this:

people = [
        {'email': '...', 'name': '...'},
        {'email': '...', 'name': '...'},
        {'email': '...', 'name': '...'},

Formalize will automatically do this:

>>> v = FormValidator()(
...     people = ListValidator(
...             DictValidator()(
...                     name = Unicode(),
...                     email = Unicode(),
...             )
...     )
... )
>>> data = v.process({
...     '': 'fred',
...     '': '',
...     '': 'jim',
...     '': '',
...     '': 'sheila',
...     '': '',
... })
>>> pprint(data['people'])
[{'email': u'', 'name': u'fred'},
 {'email': u'', 'name': u'jim'},
 {'email': u'', 'name': u'sheila'}]

By default, # is used to denote a list, and . a dictionary. You can pass the list_separator and dict_separator arguments to change the characters used for this.

Checking multiple fields together

Sometimes you want to enforce checks over multiple fields.

Wrap your validator in Using(<field>, <field>) and it will be called with the named fields’ values as positional arguments:

>>> from formalize import Using
>>> from formalize.checks import assert_true
>>> def check_password(p1, p2, message=u"Passwords do not match"):
...     assert_true(p1 == p2, message)
...     return p1
>>> v = FormValidator()(
...     p1=Unicode(),
...     p2=Unicode()(Using('p1', 'p2')(check_password))
... )
>>> v.process({'p1': 'shoe', 'p2': 'gnu'})
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: ValidationError([('p2', u'Passwords do not match')])

One common pattern is to check that one field in a group has been set. For example a form requesting contact details where users may supply one or more of phone, email or postal address.

Because subvalidation checks are skipped when non-required fields are left empty we can’t attach a Using check to a normal field validation definition. For example the following will NOT validate as you might expect:

>>> def check_one_set(*args):
...     assert_true(any(args), 'Please supply contact details')
...     return args[0]
>>> v = FormValidator()(
...     phone=Unicode(default=None)(Using('phone', 'email', 'address')(check_one_set)),
...     email=Unicode(default=None),
...     address=Unicode(default=None),
... )

Why doesn’t the check_one_set validator throw an error when phone is not specified? Because the phone validator returns the default value of None, short-circuiting any further checks.

We can get around that by adding a separate check that is not bound to a particular field:

>>> v = FormValidator()(
...     Using('phone', 'email', 'address')(check_one_set),
...     phone=Unicode(default=None),
...     email=Unicode(default=None),
...     address=Unicode(default=None),
... )
>>> v.process({})
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: ValidationError([(None, u'Please supply contact details')])

Note however that the error now isn’t associated with any fieldname. If you want the ValidationError to be bound to a particular field name you will need to add the check with an additional call to the FormValidator object:

>>> v = FormValidator()(
...     phone=Unicode(default=None),
...     email=Unicode(default=None),
...     address=Unicode(default=None),
... )(
...     phone = PassThrough()(Using('phone', 'email', 'address')(check_one_set)),
... )
>>> v.process({})
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: ValidationError([('phone', u'Please supply contact details')])