Source code for flea.agent

# coding: UTF-8

# Copyright 2014 Oliver Cope
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import absolute_import

from io import BytesIO, StringIO
from itertools import chain
from http.cookies import BaseCookie
from shutil import copyfileobj
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from urllib.parse import unquote
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
import copy
import json
import logging
import os
import webbrowser
import wsgiref.validate
import re

from fresco import Request, Response
from fresco.util.http import parse_header
from fresco.util.wsgi import str_to_environ
from lxml.html import fromstring, tostring

from .html import ElementWrapper
from .exceptions import BadStatusError, NotARedirectError
from .wsgi import PassStateWSGIApp
from .util import url_join_same_server, urlencode_wrapper, parse_cookies

__all__ = ["Agent"]

class History(list):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(History, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.checkpoints = {}

    def checkpoint(self, name, value):
        Create a named checkpoint
        self.checkpoints[name] = value

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        if isinstance(item, str):
            return self.checkpoints[item]
        return super(History, self).__getitem__(item)

    def __add__(self, item):
        ob = History(super(History, self).__add__(item))
        ob.checkpoints = self.checkpoints.copy()
        if hasattr(item, "checkpoints"):
        return ob

[docs]class Agent(object): """ A ``Agent`` object provides a user agent for the WSGI application under test. Key methods and properties: - ``get(path)``, ``post(path)``, ``post_multipart`` - create get/post requests for the WSGI application and return a new ``Agent`` object - ``request``, ``response`` - the `Fresco <>`_ request and response objects associated with the last WSGI request. - ``body`` - the body response as a bytes object - ``body_decoded`` - the body response decoded into a string - ``lxml`` - the lxml representation of the response body (only applicable for HTML responses) - ``reset()`` - reset the Agent object to its initial state, discarding any form field values - ``find()`` (or dictionary-style attribute access) - evalute the given xpath expression against the current response body and return a ``ResultWrapper`` object. """ response_class = Response default_charset = "UTF-8" _lxml = None _body = None environ_defaults = { "SCRIPT_NAME": "", "PATH_INFO": "", "QUERY_STRING": "", "SERVER_NAME": "localhost", "SERVER_PORT": "8080", "SERVER_PROTOCOL": "HTTP/1.0", "REMOTE_ADDR": "", "wsgi.version": (1, 0), "wsgi.url_scheme": "http", "wsgi.multithread": False, "wsgi.multiprocess": False, "wsgi.run_once": False, "flea.testing": True, } def __init__( self, app, environ=None, response=None, cookies=None, history=None, validate_wsgi=True, host="localhost", port="8080", loglevel=None, logger=None, original_environ=None, environ_defaults=None, close_response=True, ): """ Initialize the ``Agent`` object. :param app: The WSGI app under test :param validate_wsgi: If True, the application under test will be wrapped in ``wsgiref.validate.validator`` middleware. :param host: The host to use for the WSGI environ ``SERVER_NAME`` key :param port: The port to use for the WSGI environ ``SERVER_PORT`` key :param loglevel: Controls logging verbosity, eg ``logging.DEBUG`` ``None`` means no logging :param logger: A ``logging.Logger`` object. If supplied ``loglevel`` will be ignored. :param close_response: If ``True`` the response iterator will be read from and closed immediately. If ``False``, it is up to the caller to handle closing the WSGI iterator at the end of the request. The following parameters are intended for internal use only: :param environ_defaults: A list of default WSGI environ values :param history: The history list :param cookie: The cookie store to use for the Agent. :param environ: The WSGI request environ used for the current request :param original_environ: A snapshot of the WSGI request environ for the from before the WSGI request was made. Additional keys inserted by the WSGI app will not be present. :param response: The ``fresco.response.Response`` object associated with the current request """ if logger is not None: logger = logger elif loglevel is not None: logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) logger.setLevel(loglevel) else: logger = None self.options = { "host": host, "port": port, "validate_wsgi": validate_wsgi, "logger": logger, "close_response": close_response, } self.environ = environ self.response = response if environ: if not original_environ: original_environ = environ self.request = Request(original_environ.copy()) self.original_environ = original_environ else: self.request = None self.original_environ = {} #: The original wsgi application = app if self.options["validate_wsgi"]: self.validated_app = wsgiref.validate.validator(app) else: self.validated_app = app if cookies: self.cookies = cookies else: self.cookies = BaseCookie() if history: self.history = history else: self.history = History() if response: _, opts = parse_header(response.get_header("Content-Type")) self.charset = opts.get("charset", self.default_charset) self.cookies.update(parse_cookies(response)) if self.options["close_response"]: self._read_response() else: self.charset = self.default_charset # Stores file upload field values in forms self.file_uploads = {} self.environ_defaults = ( environ_defaults or self.environ_defaults ).copy() self.environ_defaults.update( {"SERVER_NAME": host, "SERVER_PORT": str(port)} ) def __repr__(self): if self.request: return ("<{} {!r}>").format( self.__class__.__name__, self.request.path ) else: return ("<{} (no request yet)>").format(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def make_environ( self, REQUEST_METHOD="GET", PATH_INFO="", wsgi_input=b"", **kwargs ): """ Return a dictionary suitable for use as the WSGI environ. PATH_INFO must be URL encoded. As a convenience it may also contain a query string portion which will be used as the QUERY_STRING WSGI variable. """ SCRIPT_NAME = kwargs.pop( "SCRIPT_NAME", self.environ_defaults["SCRIPT_NAME"] ) if SCRIPT_NAME and SCRIPT_NAME[-1] == "/": SCRIPT_NAME = SCRIPT_NAME[:-1] PATH_INFO = "/" + PATH_INFO if "?" in PATH_INFO: if "QUERY_STRING" in kwargs: raise AssertionError( "QUERY_STRING specified both in " "PATH_INFO and as argument to " "make_environ" ) PATH_INFO, querystring = PATH_INFO.split("?", 1) kwargs["QUERY_STRING"] = str_to_environ(querystring) assert re.match( r"^[/A-Za-z0-9\-._~!$/&\'()*+,;=:@%]*$", PATH_INFO ), "Path info not URL encoded" assert not r"%(?![A-F0-9]{2})", PATH_INFO ), "Path info not URL encoded" # Unquote requires a string argument if isinstance(PATH_INFO, bytes): PATH_INFO = PATH_INFO.decode("ascii") if isinstance(SCRIPT_NAME, bytes): SCRIPT_NAME = SCRIPT_NAME.decode("ascii") # 'caf%C3%A9' -> 'caf\xc3\xa9' PATH_INFO = str_to_environ(unquote(PATH_INFO)) SCRIPT_NAME = str_to_environ(unquote(SCRIPT_NAME)) environ = self.environ_defaults.copy() environ.update(kwargs) for key, value in kwargs.items(): if "." not in key and isinstance(value, str): value = str_to_environ(value) environ[key.replace("wsgi_", "wsgi.")] = value if isinstance(wsgi_input, bytes): wsgi_input = BytesIO(wsgi_input) environ.update( { "REQUEST_METHOD": REQUEST_METHOD, "SCRIPT_NAME": SCRIPT_NAME, "PATH_INFO": PATH_INFO, "wsgi.input": wsgi_input, "wsgi.errors": StringIO(), } ) if environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] == "/": environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] = "" environ["PATH_INFO"] = "/" + environ["PATH_INFO"] while PATH_INFO.startswith("//"): PATH_INFO = PATH_INFO[1:] return environ
def _wsgi_request( self, environ, follow=True, history=False, check_status=True ): """ Low level entry point for making requests to the WSGI application. Return a Agent object representing the new state resulting from the request. :param environ: WSGI environ to be used for the request :param follow: If false, redirect responses will not be followed :param history: If true, a new entry will be added to the history attribute for the resulting Agent object :param check_status: If true, any non success HTTP status code will result in an AssertionError being raised """ path = environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] + environ["PATH_INFO"] environ["HTTP_COOKIE"] = "; ".join( "%s=%s" % (key, morsel.value) for key, morsel in self.cookies.items() if path.startswith(morsel["path"]) ) if history: history = self.history + [self] else: history = self.history if self.options["logger"]: request = Request(environ.copy()) self.options["logger"].info("%s %s", request.method, request.url) if environ["HTTP_COOKIE"]: self.options["logger"].debug( "Cookie: %s", environ["HTTP_COOKIE"] ) postdata = environ["wsgi.input"].getvalue() environ["wsgi.input"].seek(0) if postdata: self.options["logger"].info("wsgi.input: %r", postdata) original_environ = environ.copy() response = self.response_class.from_wsgi( self.validated_app, environ, self.start_response ) agent = self.__class__(, environ, response, self.cookies, history, original_environ=original_environ, environ_defaults=self.environ_defaults, **self.options ) if self.options["logger"]: self.options["logger"].info("Response: %s", response.status) for name, value in response.headers: self.options["logger"].debug("Response: %s: %s", name, value) if check_status and response.status[0] not in "23": raise BadStatusError( "%s %r returned HTTP status %r" % (environ["REQUEST_METHOD"], path, response.status) ) if follow: return agent.follow_all() return agent def _request( self, PATH_INFO="/", data=None, charset="UTF-8", follow=True, history=True, check_status=True, content_type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded", method="POST", **kwargs ): """ Make an HTTP request to the application and return the response. :param PATH_INFO: The path to request from the application. This must be URL encoded. :param data: POST data to be sent to the application. Can be a byte string of the raw post data, a dict or a list of ``(name, value)`` tuples. :param charset: Encoding used for string values. :param content_type: The content type header for the posted data. The default is good for testing form submissions, if you want to test an API you may need to change this to something else, eg 'application/json' :param follow: If false, redirect responses will not be followed :param history: If true, a new entry will be added to the history attribute for the resulting Agent object :param check_status: If true, any non success HTTP status code will result in an AssertionError being raised """ if self.request: PATH_INFO = url_join_same_server(self.request.url, PATH_INFO) else: baseurl = "{0}://{1}:{2}".format( self.environ_defaults["wsgi.url_scheme"], self.options["host"], self.options["port"], ) PATH_INFO = url_join_same_server(baseurl, PATH_INFO) if data is None: envargs = kwargs else: if not isinstance(data, bytes): data = urlencode_wrapper(data, encoding=charset) data = data.encode("ASCII") envargs = { "CONTENT_TYPE": content_type, "CONTENT_LENGTH": str_to_environ(str(len(data))), } envargs.update(kwargs) wsgi_input = BytesIO(data) return self._wsgi_request( self.make_environ( method, PATH_INFO, wsgi_input=wsgi_input, **envargs ), follow, history, check_status, ) def get(self, PATH_INFO="/", data=None, charset="UTF-8", *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("method", "GET") if data is not None: kwargs.setdefault( "QUERY_STRING", urlencode_wrapper(data, encoding=charset) ) data = None return self._request(PATH_INFO, data, charset, *args, **kwargs) def head(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.get(method="HEAD", *args, **kwargs) def post(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._request(method="POST", *args, **kwargs) def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._request(method="DELETE", *args, **kwargs) def put(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._request(method="PUT", *args, **kwargs) def patch(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._request(method="PATCH", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def post_multipart( self, PATH_INFO="/", data=None, charset="UTF-8", files=None, *args, **kwargs ): """ POST a request to the given URI using multipart/form-data encoding. :param PATH_INFO: The path to request from the application. This must be a URL encoded string. :param data: POST data to be sent to the application, must be either a dict or list of ``(name, value)`` tuples. :param charset: Encoding used for string values. :param files: list of ``(name, filename, content_type, data)`` tuples. ``data`` may be either a byte string, iterator or file-like object. """ if data is None: data = {} try: data = data.items() except AttributeError: pass if files is None: files = [] boundary = b"----------------------------------------BoUnDaRyVaLuE" def add_headers(key, value): """ Return a tuple of ``([(header-name, header-value), ...], data)`` for the given key/value pair """ if isinstance(value, tuple): filename, content_type, data = value headers = [ ( "Content-Disposition", 'form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s"' % (key, filename), ), ("Content-Type", content_type), ] return headers, data else: if not isinstance(value, bytes): value = value.encode(charset) headers = [ ("Content-Disposition", 'form-data; name="%s"' % (key,)) ] return headers, value items = chain( (add_headers(k, v) for k, v in data), ( add_headers(k, (fname, ctype, data)) for k, fname, ctype, data in files ), ) CRLF = b"\r\n" post_data = BytesIO() post_data.write(b"--" + boundary) for headers, data in items: post_data.write(CRLF) for name, value in headers: line = "%s: %s" % (name, value) post_data.write(line.encode("ascii")) post_data.write(CRLF) post_data.write(CRLF) if hasattr(data, "read"): copyfileobj(data, post_data) elif isinstance(data, bytes): post_data.write(data) elif isinstance(data, str): post_data.write(data.encode("ascii")) else: for chunk in data: post_data.write(chunk) post_data.write(CRLF) post_data.write(b"--" + boundary) post_data.write(b"--" + CRLF) length = post_data.tell() kwargs.setdefault("method", "POST") kwargs.setdefault("CONTENT_LENGTH", str(length)) kwargs.setdefault( "CONTENT_TYPE", str_to_environ( "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary.decode("ascii") ), ) return self._request( PATH_INFO, post_data.getvalue(), charset=charset, **kwargs )
[docs] def post_json(self, path, data, ajax=False, *args, **kwargs): """ POST JSON-encoded data to the application. :param ajax: if True, an 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' header will be added """ return self._request_json("POST", path, data, ajax, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def put_json(self, path, data, ajax=False, *args, **kwargs): """ PUT JSON-encoded data to the application. :param ajax: if True, an 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' header will be added """ return self._request_json("PUT", path, data, ajax, *args, **kwargs)
def _request_json(self, method, path, data, ajax=False, *args, **kwargs): if kwargs.pop("ajax", True): kwargs["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"] = "XMLHttpRequest" charset = kwargs.pop("charset", self.charset) encoded = json.dumps(data, separators=(",", ":")).encode(charset) return self._request( path, method=method, data=encoded, content_type="application/json", check_status=False, *args, **kwargs )
[docs] def reload(self, follow=True, check_status=True): """ Reload the current page, if necessary re-posting any data. Form fields that have been filled in on the loaded page, they will be refilled on the reloaded page, provided that the reloaded page has exactly the same fields present in the same order. """ if self.options["logger"]: self.options["logger"].debug("Reload: %s", self.request.path) env = self.original_environ.copy() wsgi_input = env["wsgi.input"] if isinstance(wsgi_input, wsgiref.validate.InputWrapper): wsgi_input = wsgi_input.input env["wsgi.input"] = wsgi_input agent = self._wsgi_request( env, follow=follow, check_status=check_status ) if self._lxml is not None: for src, dst in zip( self.find("//input|//textarea|//option"), agent.find("//input|//textarea|//option"), ): if not all( [ src.tag == dst.tag, src.attrib.get("name") == dst.attrib.get("name"), src.attrib.get("type") == dst.attrib.get("type"), ] ): break if src.tag == "input" and src.attrib.get("type") in ( "radio", "checkbox", ): if "checked" in src.attrib: dst.attrib["checked"] = src.attrib["checked"] elif "checked" in dst.attrib: del dst.attrib["checked"] elif src.tag == "option": if "selected" in src.attrib: dst.attrib["selected"] = src.attrib["selected"] elif "selected" in dst.attrib: del dst.attrib["selected"] elif src.tag == "textarea": dst.el.text = src.el.text else: if "value" in src.attrib: dst.attrib["value"] = src.attrib["value"] elif "value" in dst.attrib: del dst.attrib["value"] return agent
[docs] def checkpoint(self, name): """ Checkpoint the history at the current location. The current agent state can later be retrieved with ``agent.history[name]``. """ self.history.checkpoint(name, self)
[docs] def start_response(self, status, headers, exc_info=None): """ No-op implementation. """
def __str__(self): if self.response: return str(self.response) else: return super(Agent, self).__str__() def _read_response(self): if not self.response: return if self._body is not None: return try: self._body = b"".join(self.response.content) finally: try: self.response.content.close() except AttributeError: pass @property def status(self): """ The server reponse status, as a string (eg ``200 OK``) """ try: return self.response.status except AttributeError: return None @property def status_code(self): """ The server reponse status, as an integer (eg 404) """ try: return self.response.status_code except AttributeError: return None @property def content_type(self): """ The response Content-Type header value """ try: return self.response.get_header("Content-Type") except AttributeError: return None @property def body_bytes(self): """ The response body as a byte string :rtype: bytes """ if self._body is None: self._read_response() return self._body @property def body(self): """ The response body as a string :rtype: str """ if self.body_bytes is None: return None return self.body_bytes.decode(self.charset) @property def json(self): """ The response body decoded as a JSON object """ if self.content_type != "application/json": raise ValueError("Content-Type not application/json") return json.loads(self.body) @property def lxml(self): """ The response HTML decoded into an lxml tree """ if self._lxml is not None: return self._lxml self.reset() return self._lxml @property def root_element(self): return ElementWrapper(self, self.lxml)
[docs] def html(self) -> str: """ Return an HTML representation of the (html) response's root element """ return self.root_element.html()
[docs] def pretty(self) -> str: """ Return an pretty-printed string representation of the (html) response body :rtype: str """ return self.root_element.pretty()
[docs] def striptags(self) -> str: """ Return the (html) response's root element, with all tags stripped out, leaving only the textual content. Normalizes all sequences of whitespace to a single space. Use this for simple text comparisons when testing for document content """ return self.root_element.striptags()
def __contains__(self, what): return what in self.body
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset the lxml document, abandoning any changes made """ self._lxml = fromstring(self.body)
[docs] def find(self, path, namespaces=None, **kwargs): """ Return elements matching the given xpath expression. If the xpath selects a list of elements a ``ResultWrapper`` object is returned. If the xpath selects any other type (eg a string attribute value), the result of the query is returned directly. For convenience that the EXSLT regular expression namespace (````) is prebound to the prefix ``re``. """ return self.root_element.find(path, namespaces, **kwargs)
xpath = find def __call__(self, path, flavor="auto", **kwargs): return self.root_element(path, flavor, **kwargs) def __getitem__(self, path): return self.root_element[path]
[docs] def css(self, selector): """ Return elements matching the given CSS Selector (see ``lxml.cssselect`` for documentation on the ``CSSSelector`` class. """ return self.root_element.css(selector)
[docs] def click( self, linkspec, flavor="auto", ignorecase=True, index=0, follow=True, check_status=True, **kwargs ): """ Click the link matched by ``linkspec``. See :meth:`findlinks` for a description of the link finding parameters :param linkspec: specification of the link to be clicked :param flavor: if ``css``, ``linkspec`` must be a CSS selector, which must returning one or more links; if ``xpath``, ``linkspec`` must be an XPath expression returning one or more links; any other value will be passed to :meth:`findlinks`. :param ignorecase: (see :meth:`findlinks`) :param index: index of the link to click in the case of multiple matching links """ if flavor == "css": links = self.css(linkspec, **kwargs) elif flavor == "xpath": links = self.find(linkspec, **kwargs) else: links = self.findlinks(linkspec, flavor, ignorecase, **kwargs) return links[index].click(follow=follow, check_status=check_status)
def _click(self, el, follow=True, check_status=True): href = el.attrib["href"] if "#" in href: href = href.split("#")[0] return self.get(href, follow=follow, check_status=check_status)
[docs] def follow(self): """ If response has a ``30x`` status code, fetch (``GET``) the redirect target. No entry is recorded in the agent's history list. """ if not (300 <= int(self.response.status.split()[0]) < 400): raise NotARedirectError( "Can't follow non-redirect response (got %s for %s %s)" % ( self.response.status, self.request.method, self.request.path, ) ) return self.get( self.response.get_header("Location"), history=False, follow=False, )
[docs] def follow_all(self): """ If response has a ``30x`` status code, fetch (``GET``) the redirect target, until a non-redirect code is received. No entries are recorded in the agent's history list. """ agent = self while True: try: agent = agent.follow() except NotARedirectError: return agent
[docs] def new_session(self): """ Return a new Agent with all cookies deleted. This gives an easy way to test session expiry. """ agent = copy.copy(self) agent.cookies = BaseCookie() return agent
def back(self, count=1): return self.history[-abs(count)]
[docs] def showbrowser(self): """ Open the current page in a web browser """ tmp = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) tmp.write(tostring(self.lxml, encoding="utf8")) tmp.close() webbrowser.open_new_tab("file:" +, "/"))
[docs] def serve(self, open_in_browser=True): """ Start a HTTP server for the application under test. The host/port used for the HTTP server is determined by the ``host`` and ``port`` arguments to the ``Agent`` constructor. The initial page rendered to the browser will the currently loaded document (in its current state - so if changes have been made, eg form fields filled these will be present in the HTML served to the browser). Any cookies the Agent has stored are also forwarded to the browser. Subsequent requests from the browser are then proxied directly to the WSGI application under test. """ host = self.environ_defaults["SERVER_NAME"] port = int(self.environ_defaults["SERVER_PORT"]) url = self.request.make_url(netloc="{0}:{1}".format(host, port)) print( "\nStarting HTTP server on {0}\n" "Press ctrl-c to exit.".format(url) ) server = make_server( host, port, PassStateWSGIApp(self, self.request.path) ) if open_in_browser: webbrowser.open_new_tab(url) try: server.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
def __enter__(self): """ Provde support for context blocks """ return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """ At end of context block, reset the lxml document """ self.reset()