Fields reference

Single value input fields

Morf includes many single value input fields: Str, Int, Decimal, Time, Date, Datetime, and Bool. These all take a single input value from the user and convert it to the destination type.

Date and time fields

Specify the date format using the format argument:

starts_at = fields.Date(format='%d/%m/%Y')
opening_time = fields.Time(format='%H:%M')
next_reminder = fields.DateTime(format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

If a user supplied date can’t be parsed using the given format, these fields fall back on python-dateutil <> to parse the input. If you expect European style dates to be given you will probably want to specify dayfirst=True:

starts_at = fields.Date(format='%d/%m/%Y', dayfirst=True)

Special field types


Not modifiable by the user, a Constant field passes a known value through to the submitted data dict:

class MorfConBookingForm(BookingForm):

    event_name = fields.Constant('MorfCon 2014')


Hidden fields are not displayed to the user, and rendered as <input type="hidden" /> elements.

Starting from version 0.2.5 you can also supply a hidden argument to any other field type and it will be rendered as a <input type="hidden" /> element with no label.


morf.fields.ListOf fields represent a list of other fields. These can be any field type (this includes instances of morf.form.Form, which can act as fields).

When rendered, a ListOf field will show one control per item in the bound input, plus optional spare empty fields for the user to add more items to the collection. Set spare, min and max when constructing a ListOf field to control this, eg:

team_members = fields.ListOf(PlayerForm(), label='Players',
                             min=4, spare=4, max=11)

Choice fields

Choice fields represent a choice from a fixed list of possiblities

Choice fields need to be passed a list of choices. This can be a list, a callable returning a list or the name of a method on the form that returns a list:

def get_countries():

    return [('gb', 'United Kingdom'),
            ('fr', 'France'),
            ('de', 'Germany')]

class MyForm(HTMLForm):

    title = fields.Choice(choices=['Mr', 'Mrs', 'Miss'])
    country = fields.Choice(choices=get_countries)
    year = fields.Choice(choices='year_choices')

    def year_choices(self):
        current_year =
        return range(current_year, current_year - 100, -1)

The list of choices should be in one of the following formats:

  1. A list of items to be used both as values and labels, eg ['red', 'green', 'blue']

  2. A list of (value, label) pairs, eg [('#ff0000', 'Red'), ('#00ff00', 'Green'), ('#0000ff', 'Blue')]

The list may also contain one or more OptGroup. In an HTML select widget these would be rendered using the <optgroup> element:

even_numbers = [(2, 'Two'), (4, 'Four'), (6, 'Six')]
odd_numbers = [(1, 'One'), (3, 'Three'), (5, 'Five')]

number_choices = [('Even numbers', OptGroup(even_numbers)),
                  ('Odd numbers', OptGroup(odd_numbers))]

Choice fields require that the input value is a valid selection from the list of choices. Set validate_choices=False to disable this:

donation_amount = fields.Choice(choices=[(10, '10€'), (20, '20€')],

Choice fields are keyed on the json encoded representation of the value. The value_mapper argument can override this.

When rendered in HTML forms choice values must be converted to strings, and then back again when the form is submitted and processed.

The default strategy is to convert your choice keys to a JSON representation. This handles the common cases of strings and integer keys well (and also None).

An alternative implementation is offered, which adds a key based on a simple indexing of the items based on their position in the list. For example, the choices:

[('11:00', 'Elevenses'), ('13:00', 'Lunch time'), ('16:00', 'Tea time')]

Would result in options indexed as follows:

    <option value="0">Elevenses</option>
    <option value="1">Lunch time</option>
    <option value="2">Tea time</option>

When a user selects for example value 2 (Tea time), morf looks up the index and populates the field with the original object, in this case 16:00

The advantage with this strategy is that object identity is preserved. You can use any object as a value (perhaps a :class:datetime.time object in this case) and your form field will be populated with the very same object, thus elimating all the tedious mucking about converting values to strings and back again.

However while this sounds neat, in practice there are major disadvantages:

  • It’s fragile in the case that the list of values changes.

  • It’s hard to test — to create test values for a choice field you have to know the index of the value you want.

  • It’s hard to generate values for the field from other parts of your application (eg imagine a search form has a ‘category’ choice. Now you can’t easily generate search URLs with category=... in the querystring)

To enable this behaviour use the mapper argument when creating the widget:

from morf import fields, widgets

choicefield = fields.Choice(
                choices=['a', 'b', 'c'],


A variant of the normal choice field, MultipleChoice fields allow the user to select more than one choice. By default MultipleChoice fields are rendered using the morf.widgets.CheckboxGroup widget.

Fields API reference

class morf.fields.Bool(*args, **kwargs)

Return input_value converted to the required type, or raise a ValidationError


Return true if the given value is considered empty, triggering the field’s default value to be used instead.


Reverse convert ob to a raw input value


Apply any required validation rules to value and raise ValidationError if any condition is not met.


alias of morf.widgets.Checkbox

class morf.fields.Choice(*args, **kwargs)

A field representing a single choice from a fixed list


Return true if the given value is considered empty, triggering the field’s default value to be used instead.


Reverse convert ob to a raw input value


Apply any required validation rules to value and raise ValidationError if any condition is not met.


alias of morf.widgets.Select

class morf.fields.Constant(value, *args, **kwargs)
bind_input(raw, validate=True, _internal=False)

Bind the raw submitted value to the field

Field.extract_raw can be used to extract the raw value in the correct format for this method.


Return true if the given value is considered empty, triggering the field’s default value to be used instead.


alias of morf.render.NullRenderer

class morf.fields.Date(*args, **kwargs)

Date input field


Return input_value converted to the required type, or raise a ValidationError

class morf.fields.DateTime(*args, **kwargs)

Datetime input field


Return input_value converted to the required type, or raise a ValidationError

format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'

Default format for displaying the date


Reverse convert ob to a raw input value

class morf.fields.Decimal(name=None, displayname=None, label=None, empty_message=None, invalid_message=None, message=None, empty_values=None, default=[], initial=[], processors=None, validators=None, widget=None, choices=None, maxlen=None, hidden=False, **kwargs)

A field for decimal number input


Return input_value converted to the required type, or raise a ValidationError


alias of morf.widgets.NumberInput

class morf.fields.Field(name=None, displayname=None, label=None, empty_message=None, invalid_message=None, message=None, empty_values=None, default=[], initial=[], processors=None, validators=None, widget=None, choices=None, maxlen=None, hidden=False, **kwargs)

Base class for all field types (except morf.form.Form, which is a special case).


Return a flattened list of all values present in the choices property


Apply any processing to value and return the new value.

Processing might include operations such as trimming whitespace from strings, and happens after type conversion but before validation.


Apply any required validation rules to value and raise ValidationError if any condition is not met.


alias of morf.widgets.TextInput

class morf.fields.FieldBase

The base field class.

As well as regular fields (see Field), this is also the base for morf.form.Form

DICT = 'scalar'

A field representing a mapping of multiple values, eg an entire form

LIST = 'list'

A field representing an ordered set of values, each of which may be of any type

SCALAR = 'scalar'

A field representing a single dimensioned value, eg a string or number

SIMPLE_LIST = 'simplelist'

A field representing an ordered set of values, each of which must be a scalar type

bind_input(raw, validate=True, _internal=False)

Bind the raw submitted value to the field

Field.extract_raw can be used to extract the raw value in the correct format for this method.

choices = None

Valid choices, typically used for a select or radio group field


Return input_value converted to the required type, or raise a ValidationError

dimensionality = 'scalar'

Does the field encode a single scalar value, a mapping or a list? Used by RequestBindAdapter to generate appropriate fieldnames

displayname = None

The display name for the field. Example: ‘email address’


Process the raw value given to us by the form. For compound fields this could be a list or dict (eg a date separated into {'d': ..., 'm': ..., 'y': ...} components) which need to be processed into a single value.

property fieldname

The name of the field. Used as the html name attribute when rendering form controls. Example: 'email'


Return true if the given value is considered empty, triggering the field’s default value to be used instead.

label = None

The label to display next to the field. Example: ‘Please enter your email address’


A convenience method for binding a raw value and returning the processed value (or raising a ValidationError)


Apply any processing to value and return the new value.

Processing might include operations such as trimming whitespace from strings, and happens after type conversion but before validation.


Reverse convert ob to a raw input value


alias of morf.render.FieldRenderer


Apply any required validation rules to value and raise ValidationError if any condition is not met.


alias of morf.widgets.TextInput

class morf.fields.Hidden(name=None, displayname=None, label=None, empty_message=None, invalid_message=None, message=None, empty_values=None, default=[], initial=[], processors=None, validators=None, widget=None, choices=None, maxlen=None, hidden=False, **kwargs)

A hidden field


alias of morf.render.HiddenRenderer


alias of morf.widgets.HiddenInput

class morf.fields.Int(name=None, displayname=None, label=None, empty_message=None, invalid_message=None, message=None, empty_values=None, default=[], initial=[], processors=None, validators=None, widget=None, choices=None, maxlen=None, hidden=False, **kwargs)

A field for integer value input


Return input_value converted to the required type, or raise a ValidationError


alias of morf.widgets.NumberInput

class morf.fields.ListOf(field, *args, **kwargs)

A field holding a list of other fields

bind_input(raw, validate=True, _internal=False)

Bind the raw submitted value to the field

Field.extract_raw can be used to extract the raw value in the correct format for this method.


Lists might conceivably be populated by a list or an iterable. Calling ‘if [] in self.empty_values’ gives us an error ([] isn’t hashable), so to retain flexibility we just check bool(value), which will catch empty lists, tuples, Undefined and None.


alias of morf.render.ListRenderer

class morf.fields.MultipleChoice(*args, **kwargs)

A field representing a set of choices from a fixed list

bind_input(raw, validate=True, _internal=False)

Bind the raw submitted value to the field

Field.extract_raw can be used to extract the raw value in the correct format for this method.


Apply any required validation rules to value and raise ValidationError if any condition is not met.


alias of morf.widgets.CheckboxGroup

class morf.fields.Object(name=None, displayname=None, label=None, empty_message=None, invalid_message=None, message=None, empty_values=None, default=[], initial=[], processors=None, validators=None, widget=None, choices=None, maxlen=None, hidden=False, **kwargs)

A field type that attempts no type conversion of the value passed, treating it as an opaque object.


Return input_value converted to the required type, or raise a ValidationError


Reverse convert ob to a raw input value

class morf.fields.Str(name=None, displayname=None, label=None, empty_message=None, invalid_message=None, message=None, empty_values=None, default=[], initial=[], processors=None, validators=None, widget=None, choices=None, maxlen=None, hidden=False, **kwargs)

String field


Return input_value converted to the required type, or raise a ValidationError

class morf.fields.Time(*args, **kwargs)

Time input field


Return input_value converted to the required type, or raise a ValidationError

format = '%H:%M:%S'

Default format for displaying the time


Convert a field name to an appropriate label, eg from 'a_field' to 'A field'

Choices API reference

class morf.choices.OptGroup(choices)

Mark an optgroup nested in a list of choices


Return an iterator over the available choices. The iterator will always yield tuples of (value, label).